My Forex Trading Plan to End the Year

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I am going to let you in on a little secret of mine…

… Towards the end of the year I always do performance analysis on my trading and I sort out a plan that will take me through to January.

I usually keep this plan to myself but as I was writing it yesterday I thought “why not share it?”.

So here it is guys. This simple plan pretty much breaks down my trades since October 1st, sees which pair makes me the most pips and which type of trade (scalps, reversals or range breaks).

From all of that I reach a conclusion and make a simple plan on what I should do to take me through to January. This helps me set out some clear goals on how I will trade and it helps me hit my percentage target for the year.

Sorry, this post is several years old, the pdf no longer exists. If you would like to check out my most recent trading plans, they are in the free Forex course.

I only ask one favor guys. If you find this useful (or useless) please comment below. I would love some discussion on this.