New NickB Method e-Book

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Hey Guys,

The new free NickB Method e-Book is coming out this week.

I will be the 3d edition of the NickB method e-Book. I released the first NickB Method e-Book back in 2007 and it got popular very fast. It made Forex4Noobs a huge site visited by thousands of traders daily. In 2008 I released the second version. Now in 2009 I am releasing the third version. It has been well over a year and a half since the last version of the NickB method e-Book so hopefully this lives up to the anticipation.

One little problem though…. On Saturday I got word back from my proofreaders for the new version of the free NickB method e-Book. They HATED it! Well they actually said it was “ok” but just “ok” is not good enough for me!

The main criticism was that I did not have enough picture examples. So I had a quick run through and put in some more examples and some detailed chart pics explaining everything. Apparently now the proof readers think it’s (these are their words):

“really good”
“truly ground breaking” (yeh this one surprised even me)
“the most amazing book I have ever read. Nick you are the best trader on earth and should be worshiped as such, I bow down to you”…………….. (ok ok I made that one up but the rest are true)

The new version concentrates heavily on:

  1. Reversal trades
  2. Price action
  3. Candlestick analysis.

A lot of the stuff is brand new and had not been talked about before!

Anyway since I have had to do some edits I will be releasing it slightly behind schedule. My editor just got a hold of the e-Book an hour ago so it should be done by the end of the week at the latest. However I am still aiming for release tomorrow or Wednesday. Either way it is coming this week so get ready.

I will keep everyone posted.